When children encounter difficulties in their academic performance, the possibility of dyslexia often arises. This disorder specifically hinders their ability to comprehend written language. To identify this condition, we look for a discrepancy between the child's IQ and their language ability. For instance, if a child has an IQ in the 50th percentile but a reading score in the 25th percentile, they may meet the criteria for dyslexia. We use standardized IQ and language tests to evaluate this mismatch and arrive at a dyslexia diagnosis.
There are specialized resources available for children who receive a dyslexia diagnosis, but their implementation can be expensive. As a result, schools require a rigorous evaluation process before allowing access to these resources. Our typical evaluation process meets most school requirements. However, we occasionally encounter school districts, typically private schools, that lack the standard baseline diagnostic tests but still request additional testing. In such cases, we charge an extra fee of $150 per diagnostic test that the school requests.
Don’t let dyslexia prevent your child from leading a productive life. Get a diagnosis at The HERO Clinic and give your child the tools they need to learn and grow. Book your dyslexia diagnostic screening today.
103A Corporate Lake Drive, Columbia, MO 65203
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